Most Invest To Trading Cryptocurrency Options Trading Explained

Cryptocurrency Options Trading Explained

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An Options Trading is simply a trading option done with any securities on any stock or bond market or assets. Options Trading offers you the right and not obligation to buy or sell crypto assets  at a specific price within a specified time or date.

Thus , with the options (Contracts) any investor can buy/sell any underlying assets at a certain period of  time at a certain price, which is termed as Options Trading. Options Trading can be quite complex than stock trading,since the options can make you larger profit when the price of the security goes high.

Now, let you think about what an option means and what does an option contains ? This is the query rolling in and out of your head. Right ? Here is the explanation !

What are Cryptocurrency Options ?

Options are nothing but derivative contracts that allows an investor or an individual to buy or sell any underlying asset such as security, crypto assets and, etc at a specified price over the mentioned time period. The Buying and Selling options are available on the options market, which makes trading of contracts/options based on the predefined securities.

The process of buying an option that allows you to buy shares/stocks at a specified time is known as “ Call Option“.

The process of buying an option that allows you to sell shares/stocks at a specified period of time is known as “ Put Option”.

Terms Related to Cryptocurrency Options

Call Option :  A contract that traders buy when they are confident about the cryptocurrencies future price.

Put Option : A Contract that allows traders to sell the cryptocurrency at the strike price even the current is lower.

Strike Price : The price at which the traders buy or sell the underlying assets.

Premium : The amount paid by the buyer if the options.

Maturity : The expiry date of the option is its maturity.

Delivery Date : The date on which the option is realized or finalized or settled or delivered.

Trade Date : The date on which the option executed on the market, if the trader decides to exercise his option.

Types of Options Trading What is Call Option ?

A Call Option is a contract that allows the investor to buy a specific amount of shares of a specific security at a fixed profit price on a fixed date and time.

For Instant, A Call Option allows you to buy a certain share of any stocks or bonds or even Index at any specified time duration ( Before the Expiry of the Contract ). A trader or investor can buy a call opions when he predicts the price of a stock or commodity is about to rise in future, and he wish to buy the commodiies at a fixed profit price on a specific fixed ime.

The fees that you pay for buying a call option is known as “Premium”. The premium of the call option is nothing but a strike price ( Which will be same until the contract expires )  that you agree to pay to seller.

Thus call options is similar to Insurance, in which you pay for a contract over a time which allows you to purchase a stock at a certain price.As like renew options in Insurance,in options trading, the value of the options decays over the time.

What is Put Option ?

A Put Option is a contract that allows investor to sell a specified amount of shares of a certain commodity or security at a certain amount of price over a period of time. As like Call Option, Put Option offers the traders the right to sell the specified security on or before the contract expires.

As similar to Call Option, the price you agree to sell the certain stocks is known as “Strike Price” and the fees that you pay for buying the put option is known as “Premium”.

The Put Option works in the same way as like Call Option, except one thing that when you buy a put option, you wish the price of the certain security to drop, so through which you can make profit.

Higher the strike price, more the put option’s  intrinsic value.

Styles of Option

There are two styles of options available and they are

An American Style : This allows the traders to exercise the options any time before the expiry of contract.

An European Style : This allows the traders to exercise the options at only the time of expiry.

Most of the options that are available on the cryptocurrency market are of European Style which includes major crypto exchange such as Okex, CME and more.

Bitcoin Options

A Bitcoin option derives its value from the price of Bitcoins, which terms as the underlying asset here. Because of the volatility of Bitcoins, these Bitcoin options will have potential profits. A Bitcoin Option allows traders for the right not obligation, as in the case of Bitcoin Future Contracts.

Ethereum Options

As Like Bitcoin Options, Ethereum Options have ETH and its value as underlying asset which allows traders to hedge or speculate through it.

Deribit Exchange is one among the few exchanges that offers the Ethereum Options.

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